Chú thích Nicomedes I của Bithynia

  1. Memnon, History of Heracleia, 20
  2. Memnon, History of Heracleia, 16, 18-19; Livy, Ab urbe condita, xxxviii. 16; Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus, xxv. 2
  3. Pompeius Trogus, Prologi, 25
  4. Memnon, 20; Strabo, Geography, xii. 4; Stephanus, Ethnica, s.v. "Nicomedeia"; Eusebius, Chronicon (Schoene ed.); Pausanias, Description of Greece, v. 12; John Tzetzes, Chiliades, 3
  5. Memnon, 22; Tzetzes, 3; Pliny, Natural History, viii. 61
  6. Pliny, vii. 39, xxxvi. 4
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WikiPedia: Nicomedes I của Bithynia